(Madison County, Montana) A recently released video by what appears to be a police whistleblower has shed new light on the outrageous criminal charges being brought against a traveling missionary from North Carolina, his partner in ministry, and his family; charges that could land several members of the group behind bars for 20 years.
Jesse Boyd, a traveling missionary from North Carolina, faces 20 years in Montana prison for charges levied against him first by the Madison County Prosecutor’s Office, then by the Montana Attorney General’s Office. NorthWest Liberty News recently published an article that included the 911 call from Boyd to Madison County Dispatch, a 911 call that took a legal struggle and almost 2 months to get released, but not before threats by Montana DOJ not to let it be made public once it was. You can link to the article with the full 911 call by clicking here.
Most recently, a video was released that could only have been recorded by an official police videographer or a police officer at the scene. In the video, you can hear the arresting officers speak in a derogatory manner about Boyd and his group, while also suggesting that they call an ambulance so “it would look better for the case” against the missionaries. You can watch the video by clicking below. (Language Warning!)
The published bodycam coverage is very damning and shows a level of unprofessionalism exhibited by a public servant which rarely gets caught on video. The surprise video release was so disturbing to the Montana AG’s office that they called an emergency hearing for Monday, January 30, 2023.
Not only will NorthWest Liberty News be live-streaming the hearing from outside the courtroom, but they will also be following the case against the Christian missionaries until its conclusion.
It is good to see some semblance of truth finally come out to shed light on the situation and the wrongful charges against the missionary. The state of Montana owes this family an apology and those deputies deserve the wrath of the state and public shame they deserve for their wrongdoing.
amen Ken…this is a blight on Montana!!! If Justice is not brought against these evil lying Cops….Thank you, John for always standing for TRUTH!!!!! Phil 1:3-6
My goodness we are in serious trouble if this is the type of cops we have.
What I’m wondering is why didn’t the missionaries record what was happening?
Moral of the story, just because someone is in a uniform and has a badge DOES NOT MEAN THEY KNOW THE LAW!! The way MT code annotated is written justify the actions of the father. This county is actually trying to prosecute and convict an entire family that defended themselves. As soon as that guy stepped out of his truck he immediately became the aggressor!! This is a gross miscarriage of justice and these officers and prosecutors should all be unveiled for their gross negligence and overwhelming ineptitude!!
Sounds to me like a group of Christian missionaries who were highly trained in martial arts and armed and protected by God were fearful for their lives? How is that possible? Then they all ganged up on a beat an old man senseless. They also hit him with the cross! Sounds like their fearing for their lives was contrived and not only brandishing a firearm without just cause and the subsequent brutal group assault was not even remotely justified. The video clearly showed this.
You could not be more wrong!
Jack, There is no video of the actual attack, only police trying to figure things out. I find it odd that we never once hear any police ever say, “Who attacked who first?” I find it highly illogical that the missionary would attack this man but let’s follow a little evidence of what we do know. Why did the man pull in front of the missionary vehicles? Why did the man aggressively assault the missionary? (per family statements) At this point there are only statements from those who were there. We have not seen or heard what the stranger’s statement has to say. Maybe this little town is a good ole boy network and wanted to protect the local business man over following the law and evidence. I believe the missionary made the decision to draw his weapon when a man they did not know approached him and his family in a manner the missionary perceived as threatening. Once he determined he was not an immediate threat he holstered his weapon. The stranger then got in the missionary face and attacked the missionary, was on top of him, punching him to the point where the whole family had to responded (Family statements). None of this would have happen if the strange man had not physically attacked the missionary (Family statements). He could have just called the police if he felt the missionary group was somehow impeding near a road to his precious business traffic. The video only shows that the deputies were trying to figure it all out but the idea of calling in an ambulance to help strengthen a case against the missionaries is not the right thing to say. Looks bad for the police and their professionalism. When and if this goes to trial the credibility of the man who attacked them no doubt will come into question, I would bet he probably has a police record of similar assaults. But he also is known in the community and the police appear to take care of their town people with a little more emphasis than strangers. This missionary family probably have no police record and in the end should be found to only be trying to protect themselves. Imagine, if you were stopped on the side of a highway far from home and a man pulls in front of you vehicle, he gets out of his vehicle and walks toward you aggressively and you feel uneasy and even threatened about the situation, you fear for you families safety, would you draw your weapon just in case? If you were then physically attacked by that man and your family felt your life was in danger, you laying on the ground with the stranger pounding you, would they jump in to get the assailant off of you with whatever they had in their hand? In the world we live in I am glad we have the right to carry and conceal in certain states. People justify attacking people just because of a political party sticker or religious symbol on their vehicle. I think both of these fellows, the missionary and the stranger, were both hot headed and let things get out of hand. I would have told the stranger to leave before he got too close to me and called the police if he refused to do so. You can’t trust anyone these days except your closest friends and family.