As more and more expert witness reports are completed and entered into the court record in Thorco’s bankruptcy case (a move which was forced by Thorco to save their property from once again being stolen by Whitefish Credit Union and their agents), a much clearer picture is emerging regarding the breadth and width of the sophisticated network that was put in place by what can only be described as an organized, property and business theft crime ring operating in Montana’s Flathead Valley.
As far as expert witness reports go, the one that is linked below is the most detailed and meticulously referenced report to have ever been reviewed by this news organization. The voluminous amount of criminal activity is linked all the way to the Montana Supreme Court and includes all of the corresponding documentation, along with the state and federal code violations cited specifically.
Link to Expert Witness Report – Click Here
Link to Exhibits for Expert Witness Report (Large File. Please Be Patient) – Click Here
Laura 3rd from right that’s one of my kidnappers, pre meditated political hate crimes against children in Teton county 2010. I was kidnapped and poisoned. Video of proof. locked up 70 days without due process during the time of her election to SC Montana. Charged later with 8 felony intimidation against sheriff and deputies and $450,000 bail on felony drunk driving count attorney Jodie Cobble alcoholic fifth party here say who sign conflicts of interest warrants. Request the case drone Teton County for these facts
Most definitely afraid of the truth coming out about corruption of felonies against children in Montana. I’m Rod Britt I’m a whistleblower in Teton county Montana you will not silence me again. God already stomped them once he’ll do it again. Get the facts from 2010 Rod Britt case.
Glacier Bank stole my Whitefish home in 2008 for 3 $15 dollar late fees
They stole my 231 acres in Lincoln County. We have more info for you. All documented.
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