Comments on: Exclusive Video: Chairwoman of Montana Freedom Caucus Addresses Rep. Zephyr Expulsion for First Time Picking the Lock on the Shackles of Tyranny Wed, 10 May 2023 18:58:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anna Shchemelinin Wed, 10 May 2023 18:58:28 +0000 In reply to cmehope.

You are right in general. However, currently, the only existing terms for the healthcare of gender–confused people are gender exploratory therapies that help a patient to accept their natural bodies and gender-affirming treatments that start from letting a child self-identified as trans or non-binary choose a new name and pronouns and ends with surgeries and giant doses of opposite sex hormones. If we replace “Gender-affirming” with some other terms, most people wouldn’t understand what we mean. I think that it would be more productive to educate people that pediatric “gender-affirming” treatments, even social transitioning, are child abuse.

By: cmehope Wed, 10 May 2023 18:09:29 +0000 Great discussion and great work. One suggestion is to not use the language that has been contrived to make gender confusion sound normal and ok – rather than “gender-affirming “ which implies surgically altering oneself and use of lifelong drugs to pretend one is another gender is ok and normal, perhaps a term like gender-confusion is more appropriate, after all it wasn’t that long ago such beliefs that one is “in the wrong body” and should be another gender, or an animal or whatever, this was once considered a mental health issue. With suicide rates of those who go through with such surgeries so high, this should indicate this really being a mental health issue might be more valid, and getting the real care such a person needs is the truly compassionate thing. “Gender-affirming” only supports the delusion, which ultimately can be a tragedy.

By: Anna Shchemelinin Wed, 10 May 2023 16:44:05 +0000 Hello,

First, I want to thank Theresa Manzella and Montana Freedom Caucus for continuing to fight for Montana children.

I’m sure you already know that ACLU MT is suing over SB99 by claiming that it somehow discriminates against “trans youths.” ACLU MT, which was nowhere to find when parents tried to protect their children from forced masking and people lost their jobs for exercising their right to informed consent to medical treatments, is now suing Montana over the bill that protects children from being mutilated and sterilized.

I think it’s time to expose the hypocrisy of trans lobbyists and the obvious conflict of interest of this lawsuit:
– SB99 doesn’t deny healthcare for “trans youths;” it prohibits only irreversible medical procedures from being performed on children who are too young for informed consent.
– Clinics in Missoula and Bozeman, Dr. Juanita Hodax of Community Medical Center, and Dr. Katy Mistretta of Bozeman Creek Family Health are among the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. One of the major points of SB99 is that it would hold liable doctors and hospitals for damages done by misdiagnosing and mistreatment for up to five years after their patients, who are currently children going through the stage of euphoria, grow up and understand the horrific consequences of what was done to them.
– By continuing to advocate gender-affirming treatments as “the only available life-saving procedures,” trans lobbyists are spreading disinformation (not misinformation, but the international spread of false information) and inducing suicidal ideation among kids, victims of social contagion, who would never think about being “train” or non-binary if they wouldn’t be bombarded by the media, social media, and schools that if they don’t fit some stereotypes, they were born in the “wrong bodies” and cannot survive without irreparably harming their bodies and creating lifetime dependency on hormonal medications.
– Pediatric gender-affirming treatments are the same as the Lysenkoism of the 21st century targeting kids. It will go down in history as the biggest medical scam and child abuse in Western medicine. The question is not when it will happen but how many children’s lives would be destroyed before people will understand that in the fights against nature, nature wins 100% time. The lawsuit against SB99 is the lawsuit of corrupt ideology over the laws of nature. If trans lobbyists win this case, children will get hurt.

Here is the link to the interview with Scott Newgent, a woman who was convinced by gender ‘experts’ she was a man trapped in the woman’s body:

Anna Shchemelinin
