Montana Man Suffers Massive Losses and Barely Saves Assets from Whitefish Credit Union Attorneys
To know Mitch Steinberg is to like Mitch Steinberg, for he’s just that kind of guy. Sadly, as we have seen too often, being likable and honest doesn’t insulate you from being defrauded; such is the case with Steinberg.

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The video linked below explains the crimes committed against Steinberg in his own words, so there is little to add here concerning Steinberg’s story. There is one item of note, however, that needs to be investigated further and that’s the ever-present involvement of Whitefish Attorney Sean Frampton, who appears to be linked to all of the victim’s accounts that have come forth to NorthWest Liberty News.
Frampton, who will be forced to take the stand in the Deanna McAtee case that begins next week in Kalispell, allegedly violated Montana Code several times, and victimized scores of people, according to those interviewed by NorthWest Liberty News.

Frampton, a long-time Whitefish Credit Union Attorney, has also been at the center of the controversial case involving Dennis Thornton and his company, Thorco, Inc. NorthWest Liberty News has reviewed the documentation concerning Thorco’s case and it does appear that securities were transferred without authorization, but that will be decided by the court. The Thorco case is working through the legal system now and NorthWest Liberty News will provide updates first, as they become available.
Are you aware of the local credit union in Libby that has embezzled millions of dollars and closed its doors. No one locally will get involved. The Sherriff seems to have turned a blind eye and the FBI says “white collar crime is so hard to prosecute”. The lady still walks free and millions of dollars are gone!