Tue. Jun 18th, 2024

NorthWest Liberty News

Picking the Lock on the Shackles of Tyranny

Colorado Mom Fights for Freedom Against Bogus Charges of Child Abuse


This is the first time in three years that Cynthia Abcug has been able to show any evidence in her case to any court or jury. Branded the “Qanon Mom” by every major Big Media outlet from sea to shining sea, Abcug is accused of medical abuse and conspiracy to kidnap her son from foster care after he was taken from her. PJ Media was the first publication to report on Abcug’s battle with Colorado’s Department of Human Services CPS division back in 2019. 

Everything written about Abcug after that point should be completely forgotten because all of it is fake news. Don’t even bother reading it now, and if you’ve read it and believed it, prepare to feel lied to. What you’re about to hear this week is all the evidence that, until now, has been suppressed or simply ignored by Big Media. PJ Media printed all of the evidence that came out in the trial three years ago. There’s no excuse for the media to have missed it; they simply ignored it because it didn’t fit the “Qanon bogeyman” story they wanted to tell. 

Read Full Article at PJ Media by Clicking Here

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